
TMJ Treatment


If you are experiencing chronic pain and discomfort of the jaw, regular headaches, or difficulty chewing and swallowing, you may be suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder, otherwise known as TMD or TMJD. Studies suggest that as many as 25-35 percent of North Americans experience this condition at some point, and the symptoms associated with TMJ Disorder can severely impact your quality of life. Fortunately, our experienced dentists can often diagnose and treat TMJ Disorders quickly and effectively, typically without the need for surgery or invasive procedures.

TMJ Treatment -Jaw Pain in Mississauga

What Is TMJ Disorder?

An extremely common musculoskeletal condition, TMJ Disorder can occur when the cartilage connecting the lower jaw to the skull becomes displaced or malfunctions and/or the muscles surrounding the joint become imbalanced or overused. Although originating from the mouth, TMJ Disorder can potentially cause problems in other regions of the body as well, including the head, neck, back, and even the arms. Due to the broad range of symptoms associated with TMD, physicians who do not have special training in the condition, including family doctors, can easily misdiagnose it. The best way to determine if you have TMD is to schedule an appointment with one of our knowledgeable dental professionals who will customize a treatment plan to address your unique concerns.
TMJ Mississauga Ontario, TMJ Disorders

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

TMJ Disorder can cause pain and discomfort in many areas of the body. Some of the most common symptoms of this condition include:
Experiences with TMJ Disorder vary, and you may have one, two, or several symptoms, including some not listed here. Dr. Narang or one of his associates can help to determine if your concerns are related to TMD during your initial consultation.

TMJ Disorder Treatment Options

While there is no cure for TMD, there are a variety of treatment options, most of which are non-invasive and often highly effective. Depending on your anatomical needs, lifestyle, and symptoms, we may recommend one or more of the following:
TMJ Disorder Treatment Options
The most important part of TMJ Disorder treatment is the diagnosis. During your initial consultation, one of our skilled dentists will discuss your symptoms, examine your jaw and bite, and develop a customized treatment plan to reduce or eliminate your discomfort.
If you have additional questions about TMJ Disorder and our available treatments, or if you wish to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors, please contact our office today.

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