
Tooth Extraction in Mississauga

There may be different reasons why you need a tooth extraction but the one common denominator is that you will know it when you need one. Usually, the need for a tooth extraction is associated with pain. Mississauga dentists can help with relieving the pain, removing the tooth, and providing you with proper restoration to fill the missing space left behind.
Dental Extractions in Mississauga, ON
Teeth extractions are simple procedures under the care of a fully qualified Mississauga dentist. Most take only a half-hour to an hour to complete. Local anesthesia helps alleviate pain during the procedure because all you will feel is pressure.
Reasons to Get a Tooth Extraction Tooth extractions may be the best procedure in any number of dental cases. Your dentist will try all they can to save the tooth but sometimes that isn’t possible. Below are some reasons why a tooth extraction may be recommended:

How Do You Know When to See a Dentist?

Generally, you should see a dentist right after an incident where a tooth is damaged, when you feel pain, or when you notice your wisdom teeth coming in. It’s always better to get an early start on issues that may require dental work or a tooth extraction.
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The Evaluation


Your dentist will carefully evaluate your case before pulling a tooth. That means they will look at X-rays and do an exam to determine if the tooth could be saved. For instance, a deep cavity with a root infection may require a root canal and capping rather than an extraction. However, if the tooth is cracked down, it will likely need to be pulled. Tooth extractions are a last option for dentists.
Planning Further Treatment
Your dentist will provide a treatment plan if they need to do one or more tooth extractions. That plan will include options for replacement. Replacement could include appliances like bridges, dentures, and implants.

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Length of Treatment


The length of treatment you’ll require depends on your situation. Simple tooth extractions will require some stitches and those can be biodegradable or taken out later by the dentist. The stitches will stay in for about two weeks and then you’ll need to wait about three months to get an implant or other type of replacement for missing teeth.

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Please choose your location below. If you have any questions, please call us at  Mississauga: 905-897-1166