Our Smile Story Journey with Renata

Dr Arun Narang & Associates Smile by Design video shoot

Our Smile Story journey with Renata continues… Dr. Narang put a comprehensive treatment plan together to create a smile for Renata. The treatment plan was broken up into several stages and appointments which included surgery, impressions, and lab work all leading to permanent implants and aesthetic fixed bridge casting for maxillary (upper jaw) and mandibular (lower jaw).

The following are the different phases of Renata’s treatment:

our smile story journey with renata

1) Compiling diagnostic information and Consultation– this involved taking impressions of Renata’s existing condition in the mouth, taking necessary x-rays and photographs; as well as a consultation with Dr. Narang where he would explain the treatment plan and answer any questions.

2) Consultation with our Oral Surgeon– Dr. Psutka is our referral surgeon for implant placement. He has treated a few patients who have had the same genetic disorder that Renata has, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Dr. Narang was also present for this consultation so that he and Dr. Psutka could communicate and devise a plan for Renata. A CAT scan was also taken of Renata to fabricate a surgical guide for the placement of the implants.

3) The Surgery– Renata’s surgery consisted of 10 implant placements and a sinus lift. This surgery took about 6 hours. Renata was put under IV sedation so she was sleeping soundly and comfortably during the surgery. She did not hear or feel the drilling done on her jaws to place the implants. When she woke up the implants were already in her jaws.

4) Waiting period & Follow-up Appointments– A few months were taken to allow the tissues to heal and form around the implants. During this time period Renata came to the office several times for Dr. Narang & Dr. Psutka to monitor her healing.

5) Impression Appointment– Dr. Narang took off the healing caps (intermediate covers) of the implants and placed impression copings (rods screwed on implants which marks on the impressions where the implant are in the jaws). Impressions were taken to allow the technician to relate the implants to teeth. These impressions as well as the digital photographs were sent to AACD Accredited Member, Trevor Langchild of Burlington Dental Studios Lab.

6) Visits to Burlington Dental Studios Lab– Renata went to Burlington to meet with Trevor and Dr. Narang to discuss Renata’s needs and expectations. Renata brought old photographs of herself when she had unnamed-4teeth to help communicate what she wanted her teeth to look like. Renata explained that she did not like the look of how her teeth before were “buck tooth” but she like the shape of the teeth.

7) Framework Try-In– At this appointment Trevor brought a wax framework of the full arch bridges to try-in Renata’s mouth. Basically, the wax framework holds the teeth which was made by Trevor in his lab. This allows us to view the teeth of the full arch bridge in Renata’s mouth before they are permanently set in acrylic and permanently placed in the mouth. Dr. Narang removed the healing caps from the implants and tried in the wax framework.

Trevor and Dr. Narang discussed the look and feel of the teeth on the implants with Renata and discussed if any changes to the size, colour and shape of the teeth are needed. They looked beautiful and only needed minor tweaking. It was removed from her mouth and taken back to the lab to permanently set.

Final Appointment- In this final appointment, which will be happening next week Friday, Renata will be leaving with permanently fixed full arch bridge…basically she will be leaving with teeth in her mouth. Very exciting! Stay-tuned for the big reveal!

Dr. Arun Narang & Associates Smile by Design

Dr. Arun Narang & Associates practices dentistry for one reason: to give Mississauga residents more reasons to smile. Dedicated to providing excellent solutions and customer service, it is our goal to help ensure complete oral health for you and your family.

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